Friday 11 September 2015

10 Steps To Inculcate A Reading Habit!

Well, many of us have a habit of consistently reading -be it novels or even articles for that matter! And there are also people who 'aspire' to read but unfortunately aren't able to either concentrate on it or don't know know how to start a reading habit.

Like all things which can be mastered with practice, reading follows suit!
So, here I have 10 do's and don't's that will surely help you to start the healthy habit of reading -particularly of novels and books! Let's start rolling :D !

STEP 1: Start by reading books with minimal no. of pages.

Well, who doesn't like procrastination? At times when you'll think of leaving the book, just check the number of pages left! Trust me it feels good when you get to count less!

STEP 2: Don't go straightaway for lavish vocab.
It's one hell of a swag to have an amazing vocabulary but it obviously can't be built by reading just a single book! Take baby steps on this front and you may even enjoy the story more!

STEP 3: It's not necessary to opt for books which others might have found interesting or intriguing!

Never blindly follow what other might recommend to you. As a different person, you have your own likes and can choose for yourself!

STEP 4: This one's cliche but always go for the genre that catches your greatest interest.

Now, you won't ever be able to complete a book that doesn't even interests you. It'll be just kept in your sight like a show piece :p

STEP 5: Always start with books that have a bigger word size.

Big words make it easy to read anything. You may don't want to put in that 'extra' effort by your eyes!

STEP 6: It's a good habit to keep your books handy.

Keeping your books handy makes it possible to read whenever you've got free time -travelling, in a boring lecture or even for passing time in your loo! :D

STEP 7: NEVER go for e-books in the initial days.

Just accept the fact that the present generation is a big tech addict and their ways of doing things have greatly changed. Reading e-books is just staring into screens which might take a toll on your eyes too. Also, it is a great probability that you might end up doing other things on your smart device instead of reading.

STEP 8: Use bookmarks (good ones)!

Bookmarks help you to remind that a book is waiting for you to read it. Nonetheless, it helps to mark the page where you have left reading as well (everybody knows this!).

STEP 9: Always decide on a specific number of pages that you'll take time to read everyday.

Fixing on this thing will make it easy for you to keep coming back for your book everyday!

STEP 10: And last but not the least -Don't procrastinate to read books in night-time! Go for the mornings.

Morning-time is the most active part of your day and so, it is best to initiate something which you might find difficult to start or carry on! Imagine having yawns while you get on with reading a book :p !

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