Sunday 17 May 2015


Haven't we all grown up NOT sharing our MAGGI with anyone but ourselves! Well, there surely are such sweet moments from everyone's childhood and even now which we can reminisce fondly!
Let's take a peek into the list of dishes/handy-snacks that you might have made with the maggi!
They are sure to click some buttons in your memory registers!

  1. Adding literally all the vegetables found at your disposal to make your "Vegetable Maggi".
  2. Making a maggi sandwich out of your maggi noodles!
  3. The no dish-ever-made-plate which is basically the impeccably clean plate after you lick off whatever is left of your maggi!
  4. The maggi rolls! stuffed maggi in your chapati and voila! Ready to eat.
  5. The crispy raw maggi that made its way straight to our mouths instead of getting cooked!
  6. The butter fillllled maggi- basically a normal maggi garnished with loads of butter that made the maggi taste like heaven!
Got anymore to add to the list? Feel free to comment below!

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